
The lexers define the markdown grammar.


There are two ways to add a lexer class:

from mpiece.lexer import Lexer
from mpiece import markdown

text_md="**Hello world!!!**"

result = markdown(text, lexer=Lexer())

#output <p><strong>Hello world!!!</strong></p>


from mpiece.lexer import Lexer
from mpiece import Markdown

text_md="**Hello world!!!**"

markdown = Markdown()
markdown.lexer = Lexer()
result = markdown(text, lexer=lexer)

#output <p><strong>Hello world!!!</strong></p>

Lexers list

class mpiece.lexer.Lexer(exclude=set([]), tab_size=4, escape_chars='')

Converts the markdown text in tokens. All lexer classes should be subclasses of this class.

This class and their subclass are used in the mpiece.markdown() function or in the mpiece.Markdown class.

  • exclude (set) –

    The markdown grammar name which you want exclude in the markdown text. The default list of markdown grammar names is:

    • fenced_code
    • table
    • ulist
    • olist
    • blockquote
    • header
    • header2
    • break_line
    • new_line
    • image
    • link
    • code_inline
    • bold
    • italic
    • underline
    • strike
  • tab_size (int) – Tabulators size.
  • escape_chars (str) – String with the characters escaped if they have the have the \ character before. This string is added to the string Lexer.escape_chars
from mpiece.lexer import Lexer
from mpiece import markdown

text_md = '*italic*, **this is bold**, `this is a code inline`'

# markdown normal
result = markdown(text_md)
# output: <p><em>italic</em>, <strong>this is bold</strong>, <code>this is a code inline</code></p>

# markdown excluding bold and code inline
lexer_exclude = Lexer(exclude=set({'bold', 'code_inline'}))
result = markdown(text_md, lexer=lexer_exclude)
# output: <p><em>italic</em>, **this is bold**, `this is a code inline`</p>
  • escape_chars (str) –

    List of characters escaped if they has the character before.

    Initial value:‘*~`_[]()>.’
  • order_inline ([str]) –

    Order of the inline elements.

    Initial value:[‘escape_backslash’, ‘code_inline’, ‘image’, ‘link’, ‘bold’, ‘italic’, ‘bold’, ‘underline’, ‘strike’]
  • order_block ([str]) –

    Order of the block elements.

    Initial value:[fenced_code’, ‘table’, ‘ulist’, ‘olist’, ‘blockquote’, ‘header’, ‘header2’, ‘break_line’, ‘new_line’]
  • initial_order ([str]) –

    Define the initial order for the lexer class.

    Initial value:self.order_block + self.order_inline

Make the order of the grammar inside of the markdown elements.


Process the text before be rendered.

Parameters:text (str) – Markdown text.
Return str:text post processed.